
Law Office of Terry Roemer provides a wide range of employment law services aimed at helping employers find solutions to workplace problems and prevent and successfully manage employee complaints and misconduct.  Our approach is practical, collaborative and cost-effective.


Workplace Investigations


Sooner or later, every employer will face the need to investigate the conduct of one or more of its employees. This need may arise because an employee has complained of discrimination or harassment, or because the employer has learned of possible misconduct by an employee. Increasingly, employers are recognizing what an important tool a workplace investigation can be in discovering problems in the workplace, finding out the facts in a fair, impartial manner, and addressing the issues to prevent their recurrence.  We provide independent investigation services designed to help employers address and manage these situations.


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Advice About Employment Law

Employers often need to turn to an employment law expert to ask questions about a wide range of issues governed by federal and state labor and employment laws and regulations.  We have over twenty-five years of experience advising employers about labor and employment laws, particularly in the public sector.


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Drafting Personnel Policies

To be in compliance with current employment laws and to have clear and understandable guidelines for personnel practices, it is important for human resources managers to review personnel rules to ensure that they are clear and concise, include all legally necessary provisions, and accurately reflect the state of current law.  We have helped many employers draft and revise their personnel policies to ensure that these objectives are achieved. One of the valuable services we offer is assistance with drafting, reviewing or critiquing employers' personnel rules.


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Representation in Administrative Proceedings and Arbitrations

Employers and employees alike benefit from legal representation when appearing in administrative proceedings before the California Department of Industrial Relations, Department of Fair Employment and Housing, Public Employment Relations Board, or in appealing matters relating to CalPERS retirement and health benefits. Employers also benefit from legal representation in arbitrations relating to employees' appeals of disciplinary action or grievances.  We provide expert, cost-effective representation in arbitrations and administrative proceedings before these administrative agencies and in matters involved CalPERS retirement benefits.


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We also provide training which can be individually tailored to the specific needs of small or large employee groups.  We have provided training in conducting investigations, in imposing and defending disciplinary actions, and in specific personnel policies, such as FMLA, pregnancy disability leaves, and sexual harassment.  We are happy to work with you to tailor a training that will be informative and interactive for your employee groups, including lecture, case studies and break-out sessions.

Get in Touch!

Law Office of Terry Roemer

6114 LaSalle Avenue #176

Oakland, CA 94611-2802


Phone: +1 510 566-5530


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